Beach Walk

Beach Walk was founded in 2003 by Jim Guest, Class of 1980. Along with volunteers, donations from local organizations and support from the Cocoa Beach Alumni Association, the project is a HUGE success.
 Beach Walk
Project goals are two-fold: first is to provide direct, independent, long-term revenue that will go directly to CBJSHS’s Football Program, students and athletics; second is making physical improvements to Minutemen Stadium. Extensive improvements have already been made – and more is to come. The Memorial Walk is also an integral part of Beach Walk. The Beach Walk project is a work-in-progress for many years to come!


Revenues are generated by the sale of engraved brick pavers. The cost is $50 for a 4″x8″, $100 for a 8″x8″, and $250 for a 12″x12″. Special personal order marble pavers start at $500+. Construction and/or Business donations of $2,000+ will receive a special white coral paver completely customized.
Beach Walk is administered by the Cocoa Beach Alumni Association (CBAA).

To order a Beach Walk paver, please click on each of the 3 links below:May_2004_Beach_Walk_Memorial_2